Varför väljer SME:s att engagera sig i CSR? - DiVA


Reconciling CSR with the Role of the Corporation in Welfare

the Green Paper 'Promoting a European framework. Paper with the title 'Promoting a European framework for corporate social responsibility', the UN Global Compact, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the. European Parliament resolution on the Commission Green Paper on promoting a European framework for corporate social responsibility (COM(2001) 366  EMPL (GD Sysselsättning, socialpolitik och inkludering), 18/07/2001. GREEN PAPER Promoting a European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility. The EU's initiative on Corporate Social Responsibility can support the private sector promoting a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility7. With the publication of the European Commission's Green Paper on Promoting a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility (1 ) and  PDF | Several European governments have pointed out corporate social frameworks to promote CSR can realise the potential and enhance national com  as you said, Europe has to take the lead in corporate social responsibility, but it also the net of this corporate social responsibility that Europe wishes to promote due to Within a framework of voluntary action, they can introduce measures to  av H De Geer · 2009 · Citerat av 93 — EU: 2001, 'Promoting a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility', COM (2006) 336 Final, Brussels.

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reference by COM-number i. COM (2001)366. Additional COM-numbers. COM (2001)366. 2021-03-01 European Commission (2001) Promoting a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility. Green Paper, European Commission, Brussels.

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2001, the EC Green Paper on Promoting a European Framework on CSR4 covering a wide range of topics, including responsible actions during corporate restructuring, promoting ‘work/life balance’ and corporate codes of conduct and social rights. g.

Promoting a european framework for corporate social responsibility

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Introduction The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), once known as “noblessse oblige”, has experienced a vigorous resurgence since the 1950s.1 The term took shape and gathered momentum during the 1950s and 1960s, developing out of a time when the sole corporate … Paper ‘Promoting a European Framework for Cor-porate Social Responsibility’ (2001), the Commu-nication ‘Corporate Social Responsibility: A Business Contribution to Sustainable Development’ (European Commission, 2002) and the Communi-cation ‘Implementing the Partnership for Growth and Jobs: Making Europe a Pole of Excellence on Promoting a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility. Green Paper, COM (2001) 366-final.

Hunt, Joanne Clare 2003. The European Union: promoting a framework for corporate social responsibility. In: Macmillan, Fiona ed. International Corporate Law Annual The Commission's Green Paper COM (2001) 366 on promoting a European framework for corporate social responsibility could be a significant step towards further encouraging the CSR debate in Europe.
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Promoting a european framework for corporate social responsibility

The European Union: promoting a framework for corporate social responsibility. In: Macmillan, Fiona ed. International Corporate Law Annual Promoting a European framework for corporate social responsibility.

Directorate-General for Employment and Social Affairs, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Fundación ONCE, within the framework of the Operational Programme of Fight against Discrimination 2007-2013 X Talento, and with the financial endorsement of the European Social Fund, launches the European Network for Corporate Social Responsibility and Disability (CSR+D), with a time horizon until 2015.
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Additional COM-numbers. COM (2001)366. 2021-03-01 European Commission (2001) Promoting a European Framework for Corporate Social Responsibility. Green Paper, European Commission, Brussels.

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Fundación ONCE, within the framework of the Operational Programme of Fight against Discrimination 2007-2013 X Talento, and with the financial endorsement of the European Social Fund, launches the European Network for Corporate Social Responsibility and Disability (CSR+D), with a time horizon until 2015.


It presents the proposal from the Commission for a strategy to promote CSR in July 2001.

With the Directive 2014/95/EU,  The EU's strategy clearly demonstrates that the positive development of the related to Europe's companies putting sustainability and corporate responsibility into the EU is creating a shared political framework and promoti their stakeholders on a voluntary basis” (EU Commission Green Paper,. Promoting a European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility,.