Sida 171 - Motargument

The chemtrails people often are into a lot of other crazy conspiracies too, all non-evidence-based, and mostly with somebody deliberately deceiving them to make money (thank you for making that point in your article!) – naturopaths curing cancer purely with diet, anti-vaxxer nuts putting people at risk and abusing their children while doing so. Chemtrails: DEBUNKED. Best Top 10 - August 24, 2018 10 16676. 169.

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2018-01-29 2017-10-31 2013-11-20 2014-10-06 Facebook Twitter Pinterest by Dave Sorensen (skepticproject) Table of Contents Terms and Terminology What a contrail is What a chemtrail is Conspiracy Claims Chemtrails last longer than contrails Chemtrails are making people sick Chemtrails appear in strange formations Chemtrails contain barium and other heavy metals Checkerboard patterns Planes with sprayers Chemtrails leaves behind by Dave Sorensen (skepticproject) Table of ContentsTerms and TerminologyWhat a contrail isWhat a chemtrail isConspiracy ClaimsChemtrails last longer than contrailsChemtrails are making people sickChemtrails appear in strange formationsChemtrails contain barium and other heavy metalsCheckerboard patternsPlanes with sprayers Chemtrails leaves behind mysterious … A photo of a purported "chemtrails switch" is fake. On 13 December 2015, an image purportedly showing a “chemtrails switch” started recirculating around the internet after it was posted to the Chemtrail Myths Debunked by Sharon Daphna, The New Agora, Feb. 2018 Transmutation after a complete orgonite gridding of three Ventura County cities, Port Hueneme, CA, Jan. 4, 2018 Chemtrails … Chemtrails Debunked Part 2: Metals “You will have a lot of people from the disinformation sites saying: ‘Its normal. Aluminum is in the soil, its 8% of the Earths crust. Its normal for it to be blowing around.’ That’s absolutely false. Aluminum does not exist in the environment in free form. 2017-05-22 2016-08-16 2013-11-20 Dennis Mersereau In 2003, Barbra Streisand frantically tried to censor pictures of her home in Malibu after someone posted them online.

Bilder, illustrationer och vektorer med Konspiration - Bigstock

- and "concluding" that, therefore, chemtrails do not exist, and chemtrail opposers are just chasing falsities. Chemtrails don’t hold up to this most basic test, heck, they don’t have witnesses or testimony from anyone of relevance to back up any of this hubbub – all you have is a bunch of jerks in their mom’s basement, with no background in meteorology or aviation for that matter, making silly accusations. A photo of a purported "chemtrails switch" is fake.

Chemtrails debunked


Up by Dave Sorensen (skepticproject) Table of ContentsTerms and TerminologyWhat a contrail isWhat a chemtrail isConspiracy ClaimsChemtrails last longer than contrailsChemtrails are making people sickChemtrails appear in strange formationsChemtrails contain barium and other heavy metalsCheckerboard patternsPlanes with sprayers Chemtrails leaves behind mysterious jellyChemtrails cause Morgellon's The chemtrail theory started around 1999 in a loose internet community of people who had paranoid fears, both about the government, and about their health – people like Caroline, above. The new fear of chemtrails was promoted by quacks who sell fake remedies such as herbal chelation, rife machines, orgone, and worse. Like this: This video has been shared on social media and retitled as "pilot forgetting to turn off the chemtrails".

Best Top 10 - August 24, 2018 10 16676.
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Chemtrails debunked

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Chemtrails. Debunked! (But not in the way you'd Dane Wigington is a fraud.. Here are four examples of Dane purposefully manipulating images in order to show "chemtrails" when there are none present.
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Sida 171 - Motargument

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Contrails may persist in the sky for hours, and they have done so since the inventions of jets. 2016-08-12 · Surveyed scientists debunk chemtrails conspiracy theory UCI, Carnegie paper explains persistent aircraft trails, substances in soil and water August 12, 2016 The chemtrail conspiracy theory posits the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails are "chemtrails" consisting of chemical or biological agents left in the sky by high-flying aircraft, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public. Believers in this conspiracy theory say that while normal contrails dissipate relatively quickly, contrails that linger must contain additional substances. Those who subscribe to the theory speculate that the purpose of Ever since the mid-90s, there's been a movement of conspiracy theorists who believe the long trails behind jet aircraft are toxic chemicals being sprayed int "The chemtrails conspiracy theory maps pretty closely to the origin and growth of the internet, where you can still find a number of websites that promote this particular brand of pseudoscience Chemtrails conspiracy theory gets put to the ultimate test What happened when 77 atmospheric scientists actually took a look at the claim that aircraft are spewing out mind-controlling chemicals Chemtrail, även Aerosolized powder contrails, är olika konspirationsteorier om att de långvariga spår som kan ses på himlen efter högtflygande jetflygplan skulle innehålla giftiga kemiska eller biologiska aerosoler som avsiktligen och i hemlighet sprayas ut av myndigheter i stor skala i olika syften. Förespråkare för teorin hävdar att vanliga vattenbaserade kondensstrimmor skingras relativt snabbt medan spår som skingras efter minst en halv dag måste innehålla Chemtrails Debunked Part 1: Contrails.

Tråden om Chemtrails [sammanslagen tråd] - Sidan 196 - Flashback

Sidan 196-Tråden om Chemtrails [sammanslagen tråd] Konspirationer och videos för att sedan läsa igen chemtrails debunked infon som övertygade mig att  Vem har rätt? I stället för killgissningar, låt oss titta på vad Sverigedemokraternas egna företrädare faktiskt sagt och gjort i närtid. Listan här nedan är rena citat  Men så delar man också en artikel från Kurera.se, en sajt som är fylld med farliga hälsoråd o rena konspirationsidéer. Allt från chemtrails. Climate Change: 'Hoax' Or Crime Of The Century? Who would benefit from this catastrophically expensive agenda? Only the political and politically connected  En liknande teori angående så kallade "fantomhelikoptrar" dök upp i Storbritannien på 1970-talet.

As they 2. They occur in conditions that wouldn’t normally produce them. Though contrails are generally seen in cooler climates, 3. The grid Chemtrails last longer than contrails. Contrails fade away in a couple of minutes, whereas "chemtrails" remain in the air for hours. This is the biggest claim that the "chemtrailers" get wrong. Contrails may persist in the sky for hours, and they have done so since the inventions of jets.