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Web of Science-instruktioner: h-index - Utvärdering av

The h-index of a publication is the largest number h such that at least h articles  Feb 25, 2021 The H-Index measures author impact, but the numbers should only be compared within an academic discipline, since publishing patterns vary. Apr 4, 2020 The h-index has attracted wide attention from both scientometricians and science policy makers since it was proposed in 2005. Advocates  Aug 8, 2011 Web of Science has changed its interface! Learn how to find your H-index in the new design. Copyright: UTSFollow us on social  Feb 13, 2021 In this study, we compare the difference in the h-index compiled with Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) with the aim of analyzing the ranking  Oct 1, 2020 The h-index is located in the Citation Reports, under h-index.

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Web of Science has changed its interface! Learn how to find your H-index in the new design. Copyright: UTSFollow us on social media:Facebook: facebook.com/ut The Web of Science uses the H-Index to quantify research output by measuring author productivity and impact. H-Index = number of papers (h) with a citation number ≥ h.

En bibliometrisk jämförelse mellan LTU och vissa andra

H-Index: Web of Science . up - up p Portal up Web I Library p— rd Login pi 254014 New I Change Lost Announcements Supportød 8.x .

Web of science h index

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av S EK · Citerat av 1 — Vår analys av antalet citeringar i Scopus, Social Sciences Citation Index och också förändras om den baseras på h-index i stället för antalet citeringar. Cite- som ingår i Web of Science, Scopus, som drivs av Elsevier, och Google Scholar.

"An index that quantifies both the actual scientific productivity and the apparent scientific impact of a scientist." eg. An h-index of 25 means the researcher has 25 papers, each of which has been cited 25+ times. Step 1: Access Web of Science. Locate the Web of Science link on the Library website.
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Web of science h index

393. 707. 62. 56%.

Hirsch, 2005)  Feb 5, 2008 The H-index measures the productivity of a researcher and the impact of their work.
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Citeringar - Institutet för Näringslivsforskning

Overall Rank/Ranking, 27503. SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), 0.11. Impact Factor, 0.03. Till exempel fann Meho- och Yang-studien att Google Scholar identifierade 53% fler citat än Web of Science och Scopus tillsammans, men  More than 1,000 active full-text journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus This database provides indexing for 2,857 journals from the fields of nursing  De tester vi har gjort visar att Scopus är ”bättre” för LTU än Web of Science, Definitionen av H-index är ganska enkel: En forskare har en H-index h om h av  Select journals that are indexed in Web of Science or Scopus · If possible, select journals with a high impact factor in Web of Science (Scopus and Google Scholar  Hur söker du fram H-index, impaktfaktorer och vilka tidskrifter inom ditt område Vi går igenom Web of Science, Journal Citation Reports och Google Scholar.

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Where can I find my h-index? Karolinska Institutet

· Enter author's name and be sure the pull-down  Jan 19, 2021 A rearcher has an index of h if h of their papers have been cited at least h times each. You can save this report in either a text file or an excel  Below are instructions for obtaining your h-index from Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar.

En bibliometrisk jämförelse mellan LTU och vissa andra

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The h-index reflects the number of papers by an author as well as their impact or times cited.