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IOP Publishing (previously Institute of Physics Publishing) is the publishing company of the Institute of Physics.It provides publications through which scientific research is distributed worldwide, including journals, community websites, magazines, conference proceedings and books. Laser Physics Letters, Volume 11, Number 5, May 2014 - IOPscience Assembly of one-dimensional (1D) magnetic nanoparticle (NP) chains is attractive due to considerable technical demand in new materials and devices.


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It is also the official journal of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF Created by IOP Publishing, IOPscience is an online database which features 78 electronic journals, e-books, and conference proceedings from the Institute of Physics. Launched in 2010 on the previous Axiom platform, the database contains proprietary and Open Access content in the disciplines of physics and related sciences. IOPscience Search this Guide Search. Mathematics + Physics + Science Databases. All of Kettering's Mathematics + Physics + Science Databases in one place. Mathematics + Physics + Science Home.

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